Why do I need to lock my Domain?

This option is there to protects you, the authorised owner of the domain from being transferred from one registrar to another without your permission. If any contact information which is not kept up to date or is inaccurate, or you were to not receive a request for a transfer, locking your domain will protect this valuable asset.

This can happen as any transfer authentication is initiated via email, and if you did not receive the email, or the transfer is authorised by the wrong person, locking your domain adds another layer of protection.

locking your domain is done from your Domain Control Panel here. Go to ACCOUNT MANAGER then select DOMAIN MANAGER and log into your control panel. Your login details would have been sent to you when you first purchased your Domain Name through VMA.

On the panel on the left hand side you will see DOMAIN NAMES - select MANAGE DOMAINS then select the domain you wish to manage.

See DOMAIN DETAILS >> Lock/Unlock and select lock.

To initiate a transfer - you must first Unlock your domain by following the above details.

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