How to send your first campaign

This guide will walk you through the process of sending your first campaign.

Here at VMA Emailer, when you send an email to any group of contacts we call that a "campaign". To send a campaign you need a template (which becomes the email) and you need contacts (the people who receive the email). Let's start with contacts.

The easiest way to add large groups of contacts to your account at once is to upload a .csv file. This video shows you how:

Most spreadsheet software should allow you to export your contact list as a .csv file.

Make sure your .csv file has a minimum of at least one column labeled 'email' that contains a list of email addresses.

For an overview of your Contacts Screen and other contacts' tools visit this tutorial.

Now that you have contacts in your account, it is time to prepare a template:

There are many templates to choose from and very many ways to customize them. 

Now that you have a template ready, it is time to create the campaign:

Try not to get distracted by all the other bells and whistles as this step is easy. In the Campaign Creator just choose the list of the contacts, choose the template, and press "Send". The campaign will submit for processing.

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