What can I find on campaign screen

Check out our short review of what you'll find on your campaign screen.

A review of what you'll find on your campaigns screen.

1. The name, date sent and general status of your campaigns.

2. The number of recipients and delivered status of your campaigns.

3. A quick view of your opens, clicks and other statistics.

4. Access your activity screen reports for each campaign.

Your Campaign Screen and List

Your campaign screen is a launching point for sending a campaign or scheduling one. It is also where you'll go to see the list of campaigns you've sent and reviewed your results.

Campaign Name - this is what you called your campaign to reference it.

Sent To - this is the list of recipients (if you chose a specific one) that your campaign was delivered to.

Status - this is to let you know if the campaign is still running (active), future scheduled or complete.

Date - the date the campaign was sent.

Recipients - this is the number of intended contacts the campaign was sent to.

Delivered - this is the successful number of delivered emails, less bounces or invalid addresses.

Opened / Clicked - these percentages give you an overview of how your campaign performed.

Bounced / Abuse / Unsub - these numbers let you know what percentage of complaints, unsubscribes or bounces occurred.

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