How to manage the unsubscribe link

All email is required to have a working unsubscribe link.

Whether you are sending via the SMTP Relay, HTTP API, or the User Interface you can add an unsubscribe link to your emails. This video shows you how:


Basic Example:

  <a href="{unsubscribe}">Unsubscribe</a>

Third-Party Example:

If you are using a third-party unsubscribe feature, you are still required to redirect unsubscribes through VMA Emailer. All you have to do is embed your unsubscribe link in our merge field using a ":".
The unsubscribe will register with VMA Emailer in the background and redirect the user to your unsubscribe page.

  <a href="{unsubscribe:http://redirect-to-your-own-unsubscribe}">Unsubscribe</a>

Third-Party Multiple Unsubscribe Example:

If you are managing multiple lists with a thir-party unsubscribe feature then we recommend you use two unsubscribe links in your email. The optional first unsubscribe links directly to your third-party unsubscribe and might have text such as "Manage Subscriptions" or "Manage Email Preferences". The mandatory second unsubscribe uses the redirect syntax above and might have text such as "Unsubscribe from all mailings".

  <a href="http://link-to-your-own-unsubscribe">Manage Email Preferences</a>
  <a href="{unsubscribe:http://redirect-to-your-own-unsubscribe}">Unsubscribe from all email</a>

AcyMailing Examples:

  <a href="{unsubscribe:{unsubscribe}{/unsubscribe}}">Unsubscribe</a>
  <a href="{unsubscribeauto:{unsubscribe}{/unsubscribe}}">Unsubscribe</a>

Manage Subscriptions

This setting allows contacts to choose which lists they want to be subscribed to directly from the email. You can choose which lists you want to be visible by editing a static list and enabling it. When "Subscribed Lists Only" is enabled, only the lists that the contact is on will display. This video shows you how:

Transactional Unsubscribe

When ticked this enables the option for contacts to opt into transactional email only instead of unsubscribing from all of your emails.

To send to contacts that have opted into transactional email only, you must:

A) HTTP API - Pass the parameter "isTransactional = true",

B) SMTP Relay - Add a header "IsTransactional" with the value of "True".

Our system will automatically suppress marketing mail to any contacts that have opted into transactional email only. You do not have to worry about sending a marketing email to a contact that only wants your critical transactional mail.


This will allow you to enable or disable the List-Unsubscribe header. When enabled a header will be formatted into your emails which works with many major ESPs like Gmail to provide an unsubscribe link in the inbox to allow users to unsubscribe without having to open the email. This is proven to help reduce complaints which will keep your mail going to the inbox. It is always recommended to use this header, especially for marketing email. You can read more about this header here.

Logo URL

This field will accept a URL to an image of your logo. The logo will be used to brand the unsubscribe process.

Unsubscribe Notifications

When this is enabled, a notification email is sent to the specified addresses whenever a contact unsubscribes.

Subscription Link

This feature auto-generates a landing page for your contacts to subscribe or re-subscribe. The copy icon will add the URL to your clipboard.

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