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Header Tags SEO Best Practices: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Header tags are one of the most important elements in web content; simply stated, they play a highly important role in search engine optimisation. Not only do they help you to structure your content for better readability, but also help the search engines understand what hierarchy and importance there are to information on your page. In this tutorial, we will take you by the hand and walk you through best practices on using header tags to get your site showing better SEO performance.


What Are Header Tags?

Header tags, also known as heading tags or simply headers, are HTML elements you use to set headings and subheadings on your content. Headers range from H1 to H6, with H1 being the most important and H6 the least. These tags are a crucial way to structure content so users and search engines can better understand and navigate your page.


Why are header tags especially important for SEO?

Header elements clearly segregate your information, so your content is that much better-structured and easier to read. This structure allows the search engines to comprehend how each little piece of your content stands in relation to one another. More structured content is much more likely to be interpreted by the search engines as quality content, and it therefore may rank better.


Improved User Experience:

Structured content, with proper headings, allows visitors to scan it quickly for what they are looking for.

This can lead to more time on page and fewer bounce rates, which are excellent signals for search engines.

Headers are like signposts; they give readers directions around the content and make the content more interesting.


Search Engine Visibility:

To determine the major topics and minor topics in a page, header tags are used in search engines.

Headers lend context to the content following the header and instruct search engines as to how relevant your page is for searches.

In particular, keywords placed in header tags, such as H1 and H2, may be given greater ranking weights by search engines.



Header tags make it easier to navigate through a user of a screen reader, so your content can easily be accessed.

Screen readers read content by headers. Users can jump ahead and backward by section with a click.

This increased usability may indirectly influence SEO because the search engines favour those sites that are friendly to everyone.


Featured Snippets and Rich Results:

The more you structure your content with readable headers, the higher the chances that the search engines would select this content for featured snippets or rich results in SERPs.

This will naturally increase visibility and also increase your click-through rates from SERPs.


Mobile Optimisation:

Clear headers will aid easy navigation on cell phone screens where space is limited.

Optimises for mobile-friendliness, which is a ranking signal for search engines. But good use of headers also leads to a better mobile user experience, of course.


Content Relevance Signals

The hierarchy created by header tags helps search engines understand the relative importance of different parts of your content.

This facilitates for the search engines to know where most of the content is relevant to the searched queries.


Crawlability Improved:

Well-structured contents are crawled and indexed faster by the bots of the search engines.

This, in turn, results in the improved and faster indexing of your pages.


Keyword Contextualisation:

Using the header tags provides the contextual meaning of the keyword used in the content

By this, it means that the search engine can have a better understanding of the topic and focus of your content.


Internal Linking Structure

Headers can also help as anchor points for internal links, thus facilitating navigation.

A good internal linking structure is both good for SEO and user-friendly.


Did You Know?

According to Google:

  • Heading levels are essential for clear structure: Heading tags like <h1> to <h6> help break content into logical sections, improving both readability and SEO. Properly structured headings ensure that users and search engines can easily navigate and understand your content.

  • Headings should be short and descriptive: Google recommends keeping headings concise while clearly summarising the section that follows. This helps readers quickly grasp the content’s focus.

  • Avoid skipping heading levels: Ensure a logical progression from one heading level to the next. Skipping levels, such as jumping from <h1> to <h4>, can confuse readers and affect accessibility tools like screen readers.

Google developer documentation style guide: Headings and titles


Step-by-Step Guide to Header Tags SEO Best Practices

Header Tags SEO Best Practices - Info

Step 1. Headings and Subheadings with H1 Tags

∙ Always use one (and only one) H1 tag on a page.

∙ Your H1 tag should always describe exactly what’s on the page.

∙ If possible, include your main keyword in the H1 tag; however, it needs to sound natural.


<h1>Header Tags SEO Best Practices: A Step-by-Step Guide</h1>


Step 2: Structure Your Content with H2-H6 Tags

∙ Use H2 tags for the main body parts of your content.

∙ Use H3-H6 tags for the subcategories. Ensure that your hierarchy is logical and reasonable.

∙ Ensure your structure flows sensibly and is in a sensible order.


<h2>Why Are Header Tags Important for SEO?</h2>

<h3>Improved Content Structure</h3>

<h3>Enhanced User Experience</h3>

<h2>Step-by-Step Guide to Header Tags SEO Best Practices</h2>

<h3>Step 1: Use H1 Tags for Your Main Title</h3>


Step 3: Incorporate Relevant Keywords

∙ Use your target words in your header tags when applicable.

∙ Do not keyword stuff. Instead, go for readability and relevance.

∙ Use forms of the keywords on different headers.


<h2>How to Optimise Header Tags to Make Your Website SEO-Friendly and Rank Better</h2>

<h3>Incorporating Keywords in H1 Tags</h3>

<h3>Using Long-Tail Keywords in Subheadings</h3>


Step 4: Keep Headers Brief and Descriptive

∙ Headers should be brief and descriptive.

∙ Make sure your header tags are clear and concise.

∙ Ideally, headers should be no longer than 60 characters so they don’t break up over multiple lines when shown in search results.

∙ Headers should properly summarise the content of the page immediately after the header.


<h2>5 Tips for Writing Effective Header Tags</h2>

<h3>1. Be Clear and Concise</h3>

<h3>2. Use Action Words</h3>

<h3>3. Include Numbers When Appropriate</h3>


Step 5: Consistency

∙ For similar levels of headers, use a consistent style and formatting across your site.

∙ Make sure the hierarchy flows (don’t jump from an H2 to an H4 without using an H3).

∙ Use sentence case or title case consistently throughout your headings.


Step 6: Avoid Overuse of Header Tags

∙ Don’t put header tags on every paragraph or small section

∙ Generally, one should use H1-H3 most of the time, but H4-H6 for more specific breakdowns when necessary

∙ A good rule of thumb is to ensure that there is at least one paragraph of text between a header tag.


Step 7: Craft Engaging Headers

∙ Use headers to capture readers’ interests and entice them to keep reading.

∙ Use questions, statistics, or interesting statements as headers.

∙ Headers should benefit and make sense to the reader.


<h2>Did You Know? 73% of SEO Experts Prioritise Header Tag Optimisation</h2>

<h3>The Shocking Effect Headers Have on Click-Through Rates</h3>


Step 8: Optimise for Featured Snippets

∙ Rewrite your content using header tags to increase the chances of ranking in featured snippets.

∙ Use question-based H2 or H3 tags followed by short, pertinent answers.

∙ Insert lists or step-by-step instructions with appropriate header tags.


<h2>What Are the Benefits of Proper Usage of Header Tags?</h2>

<h3>1. Improved Chances of Ranking With Search Engines</h3>

<h3>2. Better User Experience</h3>

<h3>3. Longer Time on Page</h3>


Step 9: Using Header Tags In Conjunction With Other SEO Elements

Sync your header tags with your meta title and description.

Use header tags to contextualise and frame necessary elements of your webpage, such as images, videos, or infographics.

Think about how your header tags support your bigger content strategy and your internal linking flow.


Step 10: Periodically Audit and Refresh Your Header Tags

You have to audit your header tags from time to time so they still mean something and are serving your purpose effectively.

Refresh headers if need be whenever you refresh your content.

Use SEO tools and analyze pages and refresh the header tags so that it will have the best performance.


Most Common Errors to Avoid

  1. Duplicate H1 Tags: Use H1 only once on a page to avoid messy hierarchy.
  2. Skipped Header Levels: Avoid using H1 to H4 directly without H2 and H3 in between.
  3. Keyword Stuffing: Refrain from keyword usage within headers unless they make sense there.
  4. Headers as Style Elements: Use CSS for styling instead of depending solely on header tags for styles.
  5. Mobile Optimisation Oversight: Make sure your headers are not only nice-looking, but also friendly on mobile devices.
  6. Formatting Consistency Failure: Only employ one style and format for headers across your website.
  7. User Intent Failure: Make sure your headers correspond with the actual intent of your user when they visit your page.


Header Tag Optimisation Tools

Here are some tools to analyse and optimise your header tags:

  1. Google Search Console: Explain how Google sees the structure of your website.
  2. SEMrush: Offers website audit, which includes the possibility to scan header tags.
  3. Screaming Frog: Lets you crawl your website and inspect usage of header tags.
  4. Yoast SEO Plugin: For WordPress users, it offers real-time feedback about header tag usage.
  5. Header Tag Analyser Tools: Various online tools such as SEO Review Tools, specifically for checking the structure of header tags and giving suggestions.


Some of the most elementary yet important on-page SEO practices can be optimised using header tags. If your site dramatically improves both in terms of search engine performance and user experience, it’s going to be because of all these added, not because of this tutorial itself.

Remember that header tags are only part of a much larger SEO picture. Combine these practices with others like high-quality content, proper keyword research, and quality backlink building for optimal results.

It is a must to assess and alter the header tag strategy with the changing nature of algorithms in search engines and growth of content. As long as you have put consistent effort toward this goal, keeping your site’s visibility and ranking high in the result pages of the search engine would not prove to be a hassle.

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