It is not enough for a business to use various media platforms in generating new leads and converting these leads to sales. Ultimately, your online content will drive traffic to your website and will help increase brand recognition. However, the success of your content marketing lies in your content strategy and content core. Integrating what your customer cares about with what your business has to offer is the perfect recipe in winning your audience.
Content Core, Anyone?
Content core is considered as the most important component of digital marketing. It is the heart of your content strategy, and is described as the content that encompasses both the interests of your customers and the value of your product or service offering.
In today’s age of technology, content marketing does not stop with SEO and blog posts. It also includes the use of social media, videos, infographics, and a whole lot more. As a matter of fact, there is a confluence between all sorts of media channel and good content, which shows value and builds trust with your target market.

Using Content Core in Your Content Strategy
According to a book written by Coschedule, content core helps businesses dodge the two most common marketing pitfalls, the traffic trap and the promotional trap.
A classic case of the traffic trap is when a marketer digitally published content that covers the interests of the customers, but falls short in turning that traffic into sales. A boost in traffic should also come with a bump in revenue stream.
The second content marketing pitfall is the promotional trap. In here, the marketer constantly creates promotional content that is not hooked up with the target market’s needs, wants, and interests. Unlike the traffic trap, the promotional trap lacks value. As a result, not much traffic will be generated. And with little engagement to work with, it is very likely that there won’t be any lead conversion at all.
So how does content core relate to an effective content strategy? The answer is simple. We’ve already established that content should be tailored depending on the customer’s interests, right? Avoid the traffic trap by seamlessly meshing your product or service offering in your content. The value you are promoting should be evident’ otherwise, you are making the same mistakes that you could have avoided.
What if your call to action (CTA) sounds too salesy or pushy? Then you should use contextually appropriate CTAs. Content core is all about driving demand while stirring interest. It should be serving your market while helping your business.
Developing Your Content Core
The key to an effective content core is by paying attention to your target market. Search for recent conversations, threads, or queries about the points that you will cover on your content across social media platforms. You can also use email surveys or research related keywords on Google. The main objective here is to understand and learn more about the problems of your customers.
The next step would be to interact with your customers. Using the information you’ve gathered from your research, you can ask questions that are backed by data to get to the bottom of the problems of your target market. You can use their answers to come up with a unique proposition that will provide the solution to your customer’s struggles. With this, you can create a digital campaign that includes the answers to their problems.
Aside from filling your customer’s needs, your content should also deliver a worthwhile experience. This entails the impression and the reaction of your audience while absorbing your content. The user experience is as critical as the content itself, that’s why you have to take into account what your audience should perceive during and after reading your content.
An ideal content is one that allows people to feel and think smart. It should also provoke your audience to discuss your content with other people. And finally, the content should be readily available.
Customer engagement, lead conversion, brand recognition, and brand loyalty will all follow after successfully integrating your content core to your content strategy. The goal is for your material to connect the dots between the needs of your customers and the value proposition of the business. For assistance with content marketing and creating/writing blog posts contact us today. We have affordable marketing solutions for all types of businesses.
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