Up until today users, have two distinct control panels, one for their website, and one for billing & support. We are about to change that and provide a more integrated experience for VMA customers & web hosting consumers. That is where Application Links comes in.
Thanks to ‘Application Linking’ and our Single Sign-On technology, with VMA Billing, you can now transition seamlessly from cPanel to VMA control panel providing:
• Easier access to billing and support resources
• A streamlined web hosting and billing/support experience
• Greater opportunities with links to order upgrades and buy domains inside of cPanel
• Seamless transition between cPanel and VMA Billing without re-authentication thanks to Single Sign-On technology
• Quicker and more convenient access to your billing emails, invoices and support ticket directly from cPanel
This functionality is available NOW with ALL VMA customers offering you seamless integration between your applications.
Thursday, February 11, 2016