So What are the Benefits of Email Marketing?

Benefits of Email Marketing

Email Marketing has been around for many years now and when done effectively can be a great tool for communicating with your client base or greater database – What are the Benefits of Email Marketing?

Whether your into disseminating information, building your email list or increasing your sales – email marketing is one of the best form of marketing and when combined with other marketing strategies – can provide you with the necessary tools to build your business.

Benefits of using a professional email marketing system:

  • Cost Effective – it is still the most cost effective way of marketing today and there are even free plans to choose from
  • Success – 95% of consumers still use email with up to 91% of all of emails being checked daily (Source: Exact Target)
  • Measurable & Flexible – with the statistics available today you can measure open rates, click-through rates forward-ons, and un-subscriptions
  • Features – Ability to split testing, segmentation, surveys and auto responders
  • Manage contacts and subscriptions automatically
  • Life Span – while Facebook has a life span of less than 3 hrs, emails don’t die – they need to be killed off even if they are not read.
  • ROI – for every $1 spent $44 is the average return on investment

The DO’s of Email Marketing

  • Be Creative – This refers to the overall look and feel – the design of the email (layout/images/colour etc). Specifically, make sure it’s responsive for mobile devices.
  • Relevance – Targeting, target for your ideal audience. Make your emails are relevant and don’t waffle on – keep them short and to the point. Its always a good idea to direct them back to your website or blog for more information
  • Incentive – Recipients look at emails and think “WIIFM?”, i.e. “What’s in it for me??”. Well, give them what they want – whether it’s relevant information, a downloadable ebook, entry to an contest or a free one on one phone call they will be more likely to respond.
  • Timing – Timing is everything – don’t send out an email overnight, it must pop up in their inbox during their working day. Some days work better than others – like there is no use sending out an email on a Monday of Friday – test what days and times works best for you and measure the results.
  • Integration – Companies need more than one marketing stream so you cannot just rely on one method. Instead, try marketing practices utilise integrated marketing communication (IMC) where more than one aspect of your promotion work together to create an integrated solution. Email marketing must also be including, therefore your branding must be used across your entire operation.
  • Subject Line – When considering an appropriate subject line – you must entice the recipients to open your email rather than just delete it. Personalising the subject line with gain you a 650% higher open rate!
  • Landing Page – Want your emails to turn into conversions? Rather than hyperlinking to your home page; show them exactly where you want them to go – whether it’s a signup form or sales landing page and make it easy as possible!

So sure – Email marketing is a great tool for maintaining customer-business relationship as well as marketing to potential clients. Try not sending out another email that goes straight into their junk folder. Make it worthwhile and relevant to read!

Find out yourself the benefits of Email Marketing and signup to our free email marketing plan today or view our many other low cost plans available.

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