A Google optimised website is mandatory nowadays in order to strengthen your footprints on the digital spectrum. However, people usually consider SEO and web design as separate tricks and techniques of the trade, which is a misconception because you can utilise both while submitting your website to Google and building rapport with the search engine giant. In fact, you can fasten the success rate of your brand or business on Google using SEO and Web Design together to ensure superior visibility of your website in searches.

In this regard, it is important to note that you need to do it the right way, that is, use SEO and web design to create a Google optimised website in the most effective manner and eliminate any room for errors. The way your website appears, looks, and appeals to people is important if you want to make it to the first page of Google searches. Web design is useful in enhancing the responsiveness and interactive aspect of your website while SEO is responsible for making it appear in searches more frequently. Hence, both can work collectively to give you the desired results almost instantaneously. Remember that it takes much more effort to make a mark at Google than merely adding certain keywords. It is the whole experience that counts for users to take your website seriously and you need to create the perfect combination of SEO and design to achieve that. We have got it all sorted for you. Here are the five most effective ways to use SEO and web design for building rapport with Google and get higher search ranking.
Mobile Friendly Website:
As per the announcement Google made back in its webmaster blog in 2017, it will be indexing mobile friendly websites first while previously the sites’ desktop versions were prioritised for indexing. This is a clear guideline for those vying for a Google optimised website. And, Google’s decision is quite understandable; we live in a digital age where everything is fast paced, even our lives. People are constantly on the go and want to multitask. So, whether it is shopping or looking for restaurants or searching for the best educational programs in town, it is their mobile phones that do the surfing. Hence, a mobile friendly website is a must have if you want your website to be featured on top of the searches on Google.
Zenith, a renowned media agency, published a Quartz report revealing that almost 70% of the entire web traffic in 2017 came from mobile devices, particularly smartphones and the percentage has been inclining ever since. Therefore, if you want to create Google optimised website, you need to follow these steps:
- Invest into the mobile version of your website
- Insert responsive text and appealing, interactive pictures
- Tag everything exactly the way it happens in the desktop version of your website
- Create a design algorithm that can self-adjust to the different sizes of mobile screens
Lastly, get all the above-mentioned elements right and within no time your SEO will also get improved.
Don’t Forget to Make a User Friendly Website:
Are you aware of Google’s concept of Bounce?
Google’s terms something as a bounce when a visitor browses your website and leaves immediately because they could not find their required product/service/information. Google believes that it has to align its preferences as per the demands and priorities of the average user. At Google, user comes first so whatever is good for them is acceptable at Google. So, while designing your website you must keep in mind that the design should be:
- Easy to navigate and intuitive
- Users can easily find what they are looking for
- Insert engaging content so that user could spend more time on your site and generate backlinks
All of these aspects are related with the website design. It is rather unfortunate that creating an intuitive design is highly underrated component of SEO marketing, but Google tends to give it the required attention and importance. If your website isn’t easy to navigate, Google doesn’t like it and won’t suggest its users to check it out. This is because web design and SEO are interrelated concepts and it is their accurate combo that makes Google happy and your website gets high rankings.
Ensure Fast Loading Google Optimised Website:
Nothing can be as annoying and problematic for a user than a slow loading website. Loading speed can play a decisive role in determining your site’s position on Google’s algorithms. The pages that load slowly have higher bounce rate on Google and it doesn’t actually show it on the first few pages even. Moreover, slow loading can negatively affect your conversion rate.
To make sure that you have a Google optimised website, it is important to have a web design that loads quickly, seamlessly, and cleanly. Keep your website clutter free; the page must not offer loads of information and bombard the user with pop up ads, video adverts, and other marketing gimmicks. It just doesn’t work. The more clutter free and organised your web page is, the higher will be the chances of quick loading and this will eventually compel Google to consider your website while indexing. Create a web design that offers the right mix of format, images, and compression. You may strip out Javascript and optimise the code.
Amazing Content:

By amazing we mean, the content should be engaging, clearly and concisely written, intuitive and to-the-point. A Google optimised website cannot contain heavy content because Google doesn’t like it. It prefers those website that contain clear content structure, pages can be followed easily, and keywords are rightly and moderately used. Basically, your site’s content must make sense. Creating relevant and customised content is the key to impressing Google. It should answer all possible queries of users and pages should be easy to access. Believe it or not but simply by uploading creatively written, straightforward and simple content, your website can get higher ranking on Google and may even reach the highly coveted Position 0.
Sensible and Helpful Sitemap:
Site map conveys the layout and structure of your website to the visitor. Just like there is a map in every shopping mall indicating the names of stores level by level, a website also has a similar map that informs user about where to find the required page. Sometimes you may find websites that contain a rather confusing and misguiding sitemap. Their sitemaps are all over the place, just like an Octopus. This is exactly what you aren’t supposed to do. Do make sure that your site’s internal linking structure makes complete sense to you and the user apart from providing the necessary guidance the user is looking for. To do this, follow these tips:
- Check your anchor text to ensure that it complies with the industry’s best practices
- Never leave dead ends or your visitors will get confused
- The web design must lead people to their desired pages
Lastly, we would like to advise you that your web design must complement the SEO as these cannot be separated from each other. If you do that, you lose out on potential clients as well as it costs you Google’s ranking. Google is definitely getting smarter every year and has made its ranking system harder for web admins. You can, however, capture Google’s attention and optimisation by following the five tips we have shared with you.
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